Camparo eredményei

Camparo | Cseh melegvérű | herélt | 7 év
Galériája | Bokszába
Eredményeinek száma: 19
4 x ELITE, 4xNICE, Beautyful horse, Best Marked Horse on kesely Category, 1st on Mark Appearance, Nice Marked Horse on blaze Category, 3rd on Mark Appearance, 3xGood, Good in WLE, 2nd in II. Harry Potter Appearance Hugrabug category, Beautiful Horse in Bridle, 2nd Placed of VIII. Only One Picture Appearance, 3th in Show Jumping & Gallop, Show Jumping Beginner 3th, Nice Horse in Jumper Horses Category, 3rd Placed of 2nd Stage in Vuelta 2011, Very Good, Beautiful Jumper Horse in RTD, 3rd Placed in Beginner Category, Jó páros az Ugró lovak külleme kategóriában; Fast Horse in Show Jumping, 3rd Placed of TimeTrial Jumping 2011, Good, Good in WLE, 3rd in Paris in my pocket Cup, Fantastic Bay Colour Show Jumping Horse, 2nd in COlor Show Jumping in ALTA, BEST, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 2nd of Showjumping in Luisiana, 3rd of Slipknot Category, 1st in Colour Appearance, Champion Horse in Bay&Chestnut Category, Better. Better in WLE, 2nd in Showjumping in Aachen, Sweet Showjumping Horse, Beautiful show jumping horse, Winner at Show Jumping in August,

1. hely
Mark Appearance in Warum Nicht
MyLife Nyitógála
Colour Appearance, Scarlet Peers, Pej&Sárga kat.
Show Jumping in August, Meredek kat.
2. hely
II. Harry Potter Appearance, WLE, Hugrabug kat.
VIII. Only One Picture Appearance, PonyIsland, Kantár kat.
Shutterfly Tiszteletverseny, Prinz De Deux, Ugrólovak külleme
Color Show Jumping, ALTA, Pej kat.
Showjumping in Luisiana, Nouvelle Lune, Kezdő kat.
Showjumping in Aachen, WLE, Kezdő kat.
3. hely
Mark Appearance in Warum Nicht
Show Jumping & Gallop, WLE, Díjugratás-Kezdő kat.
2nd Stage in Vuelta, PonyIsland, Ugrólovak kat.
RTD Horse Days, Run to Dawn, Díjugratás-Kezdő kat.
TimeTrial Jumping, PonyIsland, Díjugratás kat.
Paris in my pocket Cup, We love everything
II. Royal Appearance, Royal Court, Slipknot kat.
4. hely
Showjumping with Style, Mangue de Italionao, Mének/Heréltek kat.
13. hely
Spring Showjumping Cup, Paradise Stables