Cortez eredményei

Cortez | Angol telivér | mén | 5 év
Galériája | Bokszába
Eredményeinek száma: 18
5xELITE, 2xGOOD, 5xNICE, 2xBEST, BETTER, Nice Horse in Summer, 3rd Placed of Champions of the Summer, Good Galopp Horse in Glasgow Derby, 3rd in sprint Category, Good Horse in Parfume Appearance, 2. helyezett a 2011-es nemzeti vágta középfutamán, remek galoppló, Fantastyc Simba Category, 2nd in Lion King Appearance in ALTA, 3rd rated of Naruto world Gallop Derby, Nice horse in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance, 3rd in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance, Best horse in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, 2nd in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, 3rd after the Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, Good, Good in WLE, 3rd in Hogwarts Gallop Race, Nice horse in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance, 3rd in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance, Winner of Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, 1st in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, 2nd of Eight Belles & Ruffian Memory race, Winner of Triple Crown Round Final:The Belmondt Stakes.Appearance, 1st in Triple Crown Round Final:The Belmondt Stakes.Appearance, VERY GOOD, 3rd racehorse The Legend Derby, Skillfully Derby Horse in Cheval Maison, 1. helyezett a Gallop-Wettberwerb in Hamburg-on a Salyza Lk.-ban, Most Beautiful Horse in III. Type Of Inspection,
1. hely
Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby, Középtáv
Triple Crown Round Final: The Belmont Stakes, küllem
Gallop-Weeterberb, Salyza Lovasközpont, Rövidtáv
III. Type Of Inspection, Cheval Maison
2. hely
Nemzeti Vágta 2011, Sokok Lovasfarm, Középfutam
Lion King Appearance, Alta Lovasközpont, Simba kat.
Triple Crown Round One: The Preakness, Középtáv
Eight Belles&Ruffian Memory Derby, Handicap
3. hely
Champions of the Summer, PonyIsland, Telivér kat.
Glasgow Derby, Warum Nicht, Sprint kat.
Parfume Appearance, Premier Star Magánfarm, Playboy kat.
Naruto world Gallop Derby, The Champion's of Glory, Itachi és Hana kat.
Triple Crown Round One: The Preakness, küllem
Hogwarts Gallop Race, WLE, Mardekár kat.
Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby, küllem
Triple Crown Round Final: The Belmont Stakes, Középtáv
The Legend, A Morte Exceptium, The Big Stars kat.
4. hely
Even Derby, Cheval Maison