Day Light eredményei

Day Light | Trakehneni | mén | 7 év
Galériája | Bokszába | Edzésterve
Eredményeinek száma: 24
4xELITE, BEST, 3xGOOD, EXCELLENT, BETTER, 2xNICE, Grandiose, Showy Horse on Stallions' Appearance, Seductive Stallion, 5th Placed in 4 Group, Nice, Good Dressage Horse, 4th Placed on Dressage at Dawn in Beginner Category, 2xGood, Nice Dressage Horse in RTD, 4th Placed in Beginner Category, 2xBest, 2xBest in WLE, 1st in Dressage: Beginner Category, Dressage King, Good Horse in Parfume Appearance, Nice, Good Stallion, 4th in 6th Group, Beautiful Shang Kategory, Overall Winner, 1st in Mulan Appearance in Alta, Better Dressage Horse, 2nd on Grand Champions Cup, 2. helyezett a Concours de Dressage á Paris versenyen -kategória- Kategóriában a Salyza Lk.-ban, BEST IN ALTA, SUPER, Absolute Winner in ALTA, Professional Horse in Dressage Kategory, Overall Winner, 1st in Disney Kupa in ALTA, Winner in Wun To Dawn Horse Center, 1st in Coloured Dressage with Songs, Excellent, 2nd of Slipknot Category, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 1st of Hungary Dressage Cup, 2nd Placed on Dressage Evening in Salyza P.S, 3rd in COlour Appearance, Good Horse in Other Category, Nouvelle Lune CHampion, 4th in One vs One III., 1st Placed in Spring Dressage, 1st in Dressage in Hamburg, Third on Spring Dressage Cup, Good Horse, Great Dressage Horse in M's M, Nice Absolute Winner, 3rd of Absolute Winner's Show, 3rd Placed of II. Belgium's Grand Prix, Good Dressage Horse, 3rd Placed of VIII. Appearance of Favourites, Good Appearance Horse,
1. hely
Dressage and Appearance, WLE, kezdő kat.
Mulan Appearance, Alta Lovasközpont, Shang kat.
Disney Kupa, Alta Lovasközpont, Díjlovaglás kat.
Disney Kupa, Alta Lovasközpont, Küllem kat. *abszolút győztes
Coloured Dressage With Songs, Run To Dawn, The Butterfly kat.
Hungary Dressage Cup, Nouvelle Lune, Kezdő kat.
Spring Dressage, Scralet Peers, Kezdő kat.
Dressage in Hamburg, WLE, Hamburg Rekurten
2. hely
Grand Champions Cup, Warum Nicht, Díjlovaglás kat.
Concours de Dressage á Paris, Salyza Lovasközpont, Neuve
II. Royal Appearance, Royal Court, Slipknot kat.
Dressage Evening, Salyza Private Stables, Kezdő kat.
II. Mistral's Dressage, Mistral's Magánistálló, Haladó kat.
3. hely
Parfume Appearance, Premier Star Magánfarm, Playboy kat.
Colour Appearance, Scarlet Peers, Egyéb kat.
Spring Dressage Cup, Paradise Stables, Edzéstervvel
Absolute Winner's Show
II. Belgium's Grand Prix, PonyIsland
VIII. Appearance of Favourites, PonyIsland
4. hely
Dressage at Dawn, Run to Dawn, kezdő kat.
RTD Horse Days, Run to Dawn, Díjlovaglás-Kezdő kat.
Group Appearance, Run To Dawn
One vs One III., Nouvelle Lune
5. hely
Stallion's Appearance in WLE