Magical Golding eredményei

Magical Golding | Angol telivér | mén | 6 év
Galériája | Bokszába |
Eredményeinek száma: 8
6xELITE, 2 x Best, NICE, BEST, Winner of Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance, 1st in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance, Best horse in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, 2nd in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, 2nd after the Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness, Winner of Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance, 1st in Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby.Appearance, Winner of Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby, 1st in Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby, Winner of Triple Crown Round Final:The Belmondt Stakes.Appearance, 1st in Triple Crown Round Final:The Belmondt Stakes.Appearance, Nice Horse in III. Type Of Inspection, 1st in Colour Appearance, Champion Horse in Bay&Chestnut Category, Nice Thoroughbred Horse,
1. hely
Triple Crown Round One: The Preakness
Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby * Különdíjas
Triple Crown Round Two: The Kentucky Derby * Rövidtáv
Triple Crown Round Final: The Belmont Stakes * Különdíjas
Triple Crown Round Final: The Belmont Stakes
Colour Appearance * Pej&Sárga
2. hely
Triple Crown Round One: The Preakness * Rövidtáv
The Best English Thoroughbred, Patacsata Versenypark
3. hely
III. Type Of Inspection