Shadowed Star eredményei

Shadowed Star | Sziklás-hegységi ló | mén | 6 év
Galériája | Bokszába |
Eredményeinek száma: 9
ELITE, 2xElite, EXCELLENT, 3xNICE, Best Horse of Royal Court, Best of Other Colored Horse, Best of Slipknot Category, Royal Court Champion, 2nd Placed on One Picture Is Enough in Salyza P.S, 1st in Colour Appearance, Champion Horse in Other Category, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 38th of Spring's Mare&Stallion, Excellent, Második a Különlegesek Küllemversenyén, Excellent Horse, Negyedik a Különlegesek Küllemversenyén, Nice Horse, Great Horse in M's M, 3rd Placed of VIII. Appearance of Favourites, Good Appearance Horse,
1. hely
I. Royal Appearance, Royal Court
II. Royal Appearance, Royal Court
Colour Appearance, Scarlet Peers
2. hely
One Picture Is Enough, Salyza P. S
Különlegesek Küllemversenye, Patanevelde
Channel Appearance, Mistral's Magánistálló
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VIII. Appearance of Favourites, PonyIsland
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Különlegesek Küllemversenye, Patanevelde
38-. hely
Spring's Mare & Stallion, Nouvelle Lune